Sunday, May 4, 2014

Meet Joe

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Meet Jose Tiar, better known as Joe. Fed up with city chaos and noise, the constant stress and pressure of paying utility bills, and the feeling of being stuck in one spot, he decided to do something about it and followed his dream.

 No, he’s not selling hot dogs or cheese steak. He bought this truck in pursuit of happiness; to live his life the way he thought it ought to be.
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Believe it or not, this is the interior of the very same truck.

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It’s accommodating enough to house his 11-year-old daughter as well. Her room is just at the top of the stairs.

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“True, I gave up a lot of stuff- books, clothing and other unnecessary things we all acquire. But gained freedom. Real freedom. Freedom of movement, that allows me to live near the beach, in a beautiful wooded area, or even in the city. Freedom from corporate taxes, electricity, and water corporations.”

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Underneath the truck is an 800 liter tank which provides him with more than enough water and…

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A roof full of solar panels supplies and stores enough power for a month.

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Now he intends to recruit partners, to unite and to buy farmland- a sustainable village on wheels.

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”Community awareness, commitment to environment and mutual aid, infrastructure-independence and not consuming and polluting,” are some of his moral initiatives for his dream of a mobile community.
If you enjoyed learning about Joe’s lifestyle and want to inspire others to think outside the box of conformity, share it by clicking below.

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